Be Your Own Medicine

Healing Chronic Pain & Fatigue

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Ready for a breakthrough? Harness mind-body healing, neuroscience, somatic meditation and the power of community to recover from the ‘incurable’.

Do you suffer from unrelenting pain, exhaustion, brain fog, headaches, lightheadedness, irritable bowel or interstitial cystitis? Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, insomnia or post-viral symptoms like Long Covid or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Neuroscience proves that many chronic symptoms are caused by the way our brain and nervous system process stress. There’s a way out!


Could you see your symptoms as a gateway to deep healing and spiritual growth?

We’ve been told that something or someone else holds the key to our health. As you’ve probably realized, the answer isn’t a touted herb, fad diet or short-lived injection. You have the power to heal inside you. Here’s some conditions that this mind-body work can help:


  • long covid, epstein-barr & Post-Viral Symptoms



  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating

  • orthostatic intolerance or pots

  • fatigue, weakness and post exertional malaise


  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • interstitial cystitis





  • INSOMNIA, anxiety and more


Student Love

“You have inspired me in many ways. Firstly to recover from CFS, but also to do the deep inner work to live my best and most authentic life with an open and loving heart. I feel like I am starting an amazing adventure.”


- Kate, UK

Self-paced course assets

The Self-Paced ‘Be Your Own Medicine’ course offers:

7 Teaching Sessions

Rebecca’s pre-recorded 2-hour teaching sessions include in-depth slide presentations, guided meditations, practices and Q&A time with past participants. Watch recordings on your own schedule!

3 Q&A Sessions

Rebecca and guest experts answer the top questions from previous students. This program hosts three distinguised speakers: including a physician, physical therapist and mind-body coach.

25 somatic meditations

Each module has 2 to 4 guided audio practices to help you feel sensations and emotions through a lens of safety. Try different versions of somatic tracking, breathwork and other mind-body meditations.

30 Handouts + VIDEOS

Each module includes Rebecca’s handouts with journaling prompts, writing exercises and healing explorations—as well as Rebecca’s extra video teachings. There are over 100 lessons in the course.


mindful movement

Enjoy three months of live mindful movement classes on weekday mornings Pacific Time or watch our library of recordings. Also, enjoy a free 2-month yoga membership and other healing resources!

fatigue and sleep guides

Become ‘Free from Fatigue’ with our 20-page guide. Learn how fatigue is similar yet distinct to chronic pain + how to address fatigue-related symptoms. Also, recover from insomnia with our sleep guides!

Mind-Body Resources library

We curate extra videos, audios, podcasts and blogs for each module. Learn more about TMS, nervous system regulation, brain training, somatic healing and self-compassion from our favorite experts.  

extended course access

Access content on our website as long as we host Be Your Own Medicine on our teaching platform Thinkific! Plus, download meditations, videos and handouts to keep on your device.

“My diagnosis was for CFS/ME and at my worst I’d been bed bound… Now, I feel like I’m thriving rather than just surviving!”

"I was still housebound when I started Be Your Own Medicine—in a wheelchair to get out of the house and spending most of my day on a sofa. Since I’ve found you, Rebecca, I’m now walking. I go out on my bike almost everyday. If I’m not on my bike, I go out into town and meet my friends and I walk about or do some other sort of adventure or something fun… I started from what just felt like rock bottom. I was in this limbo between life and death… I’m so excited about life again! I’m so excited to wake up in the morning and do whatever I’m going to do that day and feeling so joyful."

- Poppy Wildman, Nottingham, UK


Count me in!

Be Your Own Medicine Self-Paced Course

Mind-body healing recovery program

  • Step-by-step recovery program for chronic fatigue, pain and other neuroplastic symptoms

  • 20 hours of pre-recorded class recordings with Rebecca’s teaching presentations

  • Q&A videos with Rebecca and guest experts

  • 25 guided audio meditations on somatic tracking, feeling emotions and nervous system regulation.

  • 30 handouts with writing prompts and knowledge

  • Free from Fatigue Guide on how to apply mind-body healing to fatigue-related symptoms

  • Sound Sleep guides to overcome insomnia

  • Three months of live, weekday mindful movement classes + free two-month yoga membership!

  • FAQ Library with frequently asked questions

  • Downloadable access to course content

  • Extended access to the course portal (for lifetime of the program)



2 Live Q&As with Rebecca!

If you sign up for the Be Your Own Medicine Self-Paced Course soon, you'll be invited to two free live Q&As with Rebecca!

She'll lead you through a somatic meditation and answer your questions in these 90-minute meetings.

We meet on May 29 at 10 am PT and June 5 at 4 pm PT.

If you enroll before the live dates, you can submit a question and attend live! If you sign up after the live session dates, you’ll still receive the recordings as a thank you gift.

We recommend starting the course before the Q&As to make the most of them! 

Pick Your Payment Plan


One payment



two payments of



three payments of



Your Mind-Body Coach

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rebecca tolin

Rebecca is a certified mind-body coach who helps people recover their wellbeing and spirit. She healed from a debilitating 13-year bout with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as insomnia, fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis, through the work of Dr. John Sarno and mind-body pioneers. Rebecca now coaches, teaches and writes about how to heal from stress-related symptoms, including chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog and anxiety. Her approach blends neuroscience, somatic practices, emotional processing, thought work and behavioral shifts. She’s consulted on a mind-body pilot study for Long Covid patients affiliated with Harvard Medical Center. Rebecca loves guiding people back to their personal power and self-compassion. You can follow Rebecca’s blogs and videos here.


‘be your own medicine’ STUDENT LOVE


Immediately I was noticing that the tremoring was a lot less, which I connect with nervous system safety. With Long Covid, I had weird heart things, like flip flopping. It almost felt like electricity. That reduced within two, three or four weeks of your course. Within a few weeks of your program, I noticed things shifting quite quickly that hadn’t been with some of the other brain retraining I was doing. One hundred percent it’s worth it!”

- Lindsay Hull, Saskatchewan, Canada


“I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 2014. Then I had Long Covid and symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Before the course, I was essentially bed-bound, maxing out at 3,000 steps a day, struggling to do much more than that. I’ve since taken on a very physical job. I can now go for 10 kilometer walks. If you told me this only 7 months ago, I’d have told you there was no chance. 10K looked like Everest. Yet, here I am and I’m grateful for that!”

- Christophe Sagnet, Glasgow, Scotland


My missing puzzle pieces in my healing were found through Be Your Own Medicine. I learned that I am not sick! I learned how to challenge triggers, fight back against fear, and take back my life. My world is growing wider! Rebecca obviously poured her whole heart, blood, sweat, and tears into creating a course dripping with resources left and right that are extremely supportive. The course is just brimming with her love and creativity.”

- Lorie Rossesau, Georgia, USA


course benefits

‘Be Your Own Medicine’ by:

  • Harnessing mind-body healing for fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, pain and other chronic symptoms, including Long Covid and CFS

  • Reconnecting to your body with somatic meditations

  • Feeling emotions and sensations in a safe, mindful way

  • Regulating your nervous system

  • Expanding your range of activities in slow steps!

  • Finding self acceptance, compassion and empowerment

  • Understanding the work of John Sarno, Howard Schubiner,
    Alan Gordon and others at the forefront of mind-body healing

  • Applying the TMS approach and Polyvagal Theory to your symptoms

  • Learning from a mind-body coach who recovered from ME/CFS

  • Accessing deep layers of healing and transformation!


student love

“I was bed-bound with severe Long Covid for months, unable to look after myself, and spent over a year housebound on the sofa. The most I could walk was 15 minutes, slowly, and today I did 55-minutes of cardio and strength exercises! My recovery and healing has been miraculous and incredibly quick! There were points during the programme where I was getting noticeably better every day. I’ve been participating in life fully to the extent a healthy, normal person would!!”

- Anne B., London, UK


themes we cover in the 'be your own medicine’ modules

01. Science

The brain creates all pain and fatigue, whether there’s physical injury or psychological stress. We dive into John Sarno, Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon and other greats in mind-body medicine. Discover how repressed emotions, trauma and habitual thought patterns keep you locked in a cycle of symptoms—and ultimately how to rewire your brain and create healthier patterns.

02. Story

How do I know if my symptoms are mind-body? Once your physician has ruled out a serious illness, we teach you how to gather evidence of brain-induced symptoms through a clear set of criteria. We look at common mind-body diagnoses and help boost your confidence through science-backed knowledge. Also explore your personal story and emotional stressors when the symptoms began.  

03. Mind

Our brains can become stuck in a heightened state of alert, even after a threat has passed. We’ll lower fear using affirmations, writing, imagination, graded exposure and other mind-body tools. Become mindful of thoughts that trigger your symptoms, as well as learned associations. We use our conscious mind to instill safety in the brain and challenge perceived limits—from activities to foods!


04. Body

Trauma and repressed emotions are stored in the body. Feeling them through a lens of safety can be transformative. We feel physical and emotional sensations through somatic tracking, breath work and other guided meditations. Emotional processing can helps regulate our nervous system and bring us into a more embodied experience.

05. Self

Personality traits and self-talk impact our nervous system and our symptoms. Drawing from the science-backed work of Kristin Neff, we’ll harness mindful self-compassion. We’ll also look at ways to buffer self-criticism, perfectionism, pressure and people pleasing. Shift from a victim mentality to an empowered co-creator of your life!


06. Life

You’ve embraced your emotions and shifted thought patterns, but what behaviors trigger your symptoms? We’ll unpack common offenders. With new awareness and a sense of safety, you’ll start to return to activities you enjoy! Discover the healing power of play and purpose. Learn to follow your intuition and do what lights you up!




🚀 When can I start?

You can begin the Be Your Own Medicine Self-Paced Course now! We're just opened registration and offer two free live Q&As if you join soon. There's no need to delay your recovery and reclaim your life! But if you prefer a live experience, I plan to teach a 10-week Be Your Own Medicine live cohort in Fall 2024, which I'll announce through my mailing list and website. Be the first to find out by signing up for my mailing list here. You'll also receive a free somatic meditation—which helped me recover!—and my latest mind-body blogs and videos.

👩🏻‍🏫 Self-paced course versus the live cohort?

Both the self-paced course and the live cohort have the same 10 modules, which are chocked full of knowledge and practices for your recovery! While the content is the same, the delivery is different. In the self-paced program, teaching sessions and Q&As are pre-recorded from a previous cohort. Thus, self-paced learners don't attend live classes or submit questions through our portal. But, you can watch our many Q&A sessions with Rebecca and guest speakers, which may answer your questions! Also, we've added an FAQ Library for the self-paced course with top questions and answers from past participants. Tuition for the self-paced course is $595 and the next live cohort will cost approximately $995, so there is a significant savings with the self-paced program!

🤷🏽‍♂️ Which course is best for me?

If you want to begin Be Your Own Medicine now, take the self-paced course! It's the same content—recently updated with the latest and greatest—for a lower price point. If you're on a budget, the self-paced version is approximately $400 less than the live cohort. But, if you prefer to attend live classes, generally at 10am Pacific Time on weekdays, and want to submit questions to Rebecca and other mind-body experts, you might wait for the live 10-week cohort starting September 2024.

⚖️ How does the course compare to coaching?

Be Your Own Medicine is the place to start! We offer the core knowledge and practices to recover from mind-body symptoms at a fraction of the cost of 1:1 work. There's a greater breadth in the course with 20 hours of live classes, 25+ audio meditaitons, 30+ handouts and loads of extra videos. If you want therapy or coaching during or after the course, it's far more effective with the Be Your Own Medicine program. Rebecca offers coaching recommendations for mind-body coaches who have worked on her team. You could take the self-paced course and set up coaching sessions as needed!

👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾 What if I want to work with Rebecca?

There are two opportunities to meet with Rebecca for the self-paced course! Rebecca is opening 12 individual coaching sessions only for participants of the Be Your Own Medicine Self-Paced Program. These sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis for an additional fee. The first people to enroll will receive on offer to book a session wtih Rebecca while they last! Also, in Spring 2024, Rebecca is offering two free Live Q&A sessions for all self-paced students as a bonus! Join live if you enroll before the session dates or watch the recordings if you register after the dates, which will be in May and June 2024. Otherwise, Rebecca is not taking new clients. She's focused on teaching Be Your Own Medicine since people recover more fully and swifty through the program!

👩🏽‍💻 How long can I access the course website?

You'll have extended access to the Be Your Own Medicine program website! This means you can log into the course portal for the lifetime of the program, meaning as long as we offer Be Your Own Medicine on our current teaching platform Thinkific. This will be a minimum of one year and most likely much longer, as Rebecca is passionate about offering this program! You can also download all videos, audio meditations and handouts to keep on your personal device.

📚 Can I learn more about the curriculum?

Yes! You can see a detailed list of the course lessons here. Besides the class recordings, there's videos, audio meditations and writing exercises to support your recovery.

🤕 What symptoms will this help?

Assuming there's no major structural or pathological issue, this mind-body approach has helped people recover from chronic fatigue, headaches, brain fog, fibromyalgia, insomnia, anxiety, POTS, ME/CFS, long Covid, PEM, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive issues, interstial cystitis, pelvic pain, chronic back, neck and shoulder pain, migraines and headaches, TMJ, repetitive stress injuries and other mind-body symptoms. Dr. Howard Schbubiner calls this Mind-Body Syndrome (MBS) and Dr. John Sarno called it Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS).

❤️‍🩹 Can this help long Covid and ME/CFS?

While we can't guarantee results, Rebecca has helped many people recover from long Covid, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Epstein-Barr and other post-viral symptoms. Rebecca consulted on a mind-body pilot study on Long Covid patients through a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical Center, with promising results. As long as you've ruled out tissue damage with your physician, mind-body healing helps many people recover and live a full life. See some of our amazing Success Stories here!

🙋🏽‍♀️ How do I know if I'm ready for this course?

  • Your physician has ruled out pathological and structural causes, such as bone disease, infection, fractures and cancer. We are not doctors and cannot diagnose you. It's important to see a licensed doctor to evaluate your symptoms prior to this course.
  • Your symptoms haven’t improved by treatments suggested by medical professionals.
  • You want to work with thoughts and behaviors to retrain your brain.
  • You crave self-empowering tools to regulate your nervous system and heal on physical, emotional and mental levels.
  • You’re curious about exploring somatic meditations as a pathway to healing.
  • You're drawn to Rebecca's approach and this branch of mind-body healing.
  • You’re ready to reclaim your life!

😫 Could my brain be causing pain or fatigue?

Chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, POTS and other mind-body symptoms are 100% real and you feel them in your body. But emerging science shows the cause can be in the brain. When our nervous system gets activated, there's a cascade of physiological changes in nerve firing patterns, blood flow, hormone production etc. Nervous system activation can cause pain, fatigue, weakness, tingling, burning, spasms, anxiety, insomnia, difficulty concentrating and more. John Sarno used to say that TMS symptoms can be stronger than those with a structural cause. Fortunately, there's a remedy!

💸 Do you offer a payment plan?

We sure do! You can pay in one, two or three installments. For the self-paced course, the full tuition is $595 USD. Alternatively, you can make two payments of $299 or three payments of $199.

💰 What's your refund policy?

Challenging emotions, sensations and thoughts can arise but we encourage you to stick with it! Healing happens by moving through obstacles with consistent practice. But if you’ve don’t feel our self-paced course is the right fit within 7 days of your purchase, we offer a money-back guarantee (minus a $75 processing fee). We must receive your email within 7 days of the date you enrolled. There are no refunds after this date. If you're on a payment plan, you're responsible for all future installments after the refund window. To request a refund, email course@rebeccatolin.com and explain your reasons for cancelling to help us improve. You can read more in our Terms of Use.

🫶🏼 Do you offer financial aid?

We created the self-paced course at a lower price than our live cohort to make it more accessible! But if you still can't afford Be Your Own Medicine and think it's your program, we can offer a discount to a limited number of applicants. You're welcome to email us for a scholarship application.


student love

“I love the course and wish I had been 'prescribed' this years ago. I’ve done DNRS, ANS Rewire, watched the Curable workshop videos and read Dr. Schubiner’s 30-day program. This course is hands-down the most comprehensive and helpful of these. I now have great stamina after challenging myself with activity and workouts. I can enjoy my work, household responsibilities and my kids!”

- Elizabeth, San Diego, California, USA

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