- Poppy Wildman, Nottingham, UK

what to expect?
Radiant Recoveries
“Long Covid is long gone!”
“My experience of Be Your Own Medicine was like seeing chaos turn to order in two months! I had a huge breakthrough with my last remaining Long Covid symptom: severe head pressure and brain fog. This was really debilitating and by far the most severe, constant, and unrelenting symptom I had. Through the course, I had a magnificent, and rather dramatic, breakthrough where this symptom went from a 10 out of 10 to a 2! As I write this, all symptoms are nearly gone!”
- Angela Lawrence, Kamloops, British Columbia
"It's an ultimate game-changer."
“I was more or less still housebound with Long Covid when I started the course. The course enabled me to stand up to my fear. It gave me good tools on how to do that. I ride my bike all over town now. I go hiking for two or three hours. I even go out and kayak on the river again! I can eat whatever I want. I can work on my computer without getting brain fog. Fatigue is more or less gone. It’s pure joy! It’s such a pleasure to be able to do these things again. It’s unbelievable!”
“You’ve cracked the CFS code!!!”
“Having been part of DNRS, GUPTA and CFS RECOVERY JUMPSTART, the totality of ALL of my prior brain retraining courses do not add up to the wondrous platform you’ve lovingly created! Your course and your guiding presence uplifted and freed me, Rebecca. I am back to motorcycle riding and classic car trips, (big thanks to YOU!) doing what I love! I did a really nice AM paddle today… loving this new Jon 2.0!!! I am dancing in the sunlight of gratitude that the next decades of my life will be filled with abundant energy & adventures!”
- Jon H., Carlsbad, california
“To exercise full-steam is a miracle.”
“I remember the moment I knew I had recovered from Long Covid, a few weeks into the course. I was no longer afraid. I knew deeply that my body is strong and safe and knows how to do all the things that bring me joy. Over the last weeks, I’ve been participating in life fully, to the extent a healthy, normal person would!! Christmas socializing in busy crowds, concerts, movement and ice skating with my mum. After a few longer swims (about 1.6 km), I had a proper gym session this morning and I can say how full my heart is of joy and gratitude. To be able to exercise full steam again is nothing short of a miracle.”
- Anne B., London, UK
“I feel the best I have!”
“Be Your Own Medicine was the final piece in my 8-year recovery journey from CFS/ME. I was mainly housebound and only able to walk for 10 minutes beforehand. Since your course, I swim and paddleboard in the sea! I went to three festivals and danced my socks off! I’ve been on 2-hour coast path cliff walks. I do weight lifting at the gym. Your focus on peace, play and pleasure was a game-changer as I’d become so serious in my healing journey. You’ve given me a different approach to recovery and I feel the best I have in my journey. I’m finding the sweet spot between effort and ease and having more fun fun fun!”
- Charlotte Stephens, Cornwall England
“It’s miraculous!”
“You’re changing my life! I want to thank you with all my heart. Due to watching your videos and guides, I have gone from barely able to eat for 4 years to eating everything!!! I had been in hospital with gut issues and was close to making the horrid decision to have gallbladder surgery because I thought I had Crohn’s disease. I now make a menu each week with meals I’ve dreamt of for so long. Yesterday I hosted friends for dinner, cooking butter chicken curry. This week I’m hosting pancakes at the beach for sunrise. Thank you!!”
- Amy Dodsworth, Skegness, England
“I’m between 95-100% recovered!”
“It has been fantastic getting my life back. I am fully active again now, doing workouts, runs, walking and even wild swimming. I very rarely have pain in my face, rib or stomach anymore. I don't get post-exertional malaise anymore. I feel like myself again, which is amazing! This has been literally life changing, and absolutely worth what I paid. I would have paid a lot more to feel this way as a result of doing the course! It was so comprehensive, gentle, and person-centred. I have learned so much that I will carry on using. It’s a toolkit for life.”
- Jane Beinart, Bristol, UK
“I no longer have chronic symptoms!”
“I was housebound with debilitating CFS. I felt like a prisoner in my own body. A naturopath diagnosed me with mold, toxins, and other scary-sounding ailments. Signing up for Rebecca’s Be Your Own Medicine course was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Today, I no longer suffer from chronic symptoms. I feel greater freedom and confidence in my body. I once again can access inner peace, which is a true gift. I’m so grateful to Rebecca for creating this incredible course, born of her heart and soul, which has helped so many reclaim their lives.”
- Sarah, Boston, Massachusetts
“I was housebound with debilitating CFS. My ongoing symptoms included fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, muscle and joint pain, orthostatic intolerance, post-exertional malaise, headaches, temperature dysregulation, sore throats, multiple chemical sensitivities, sensitivity to noise, and more. I felt like a prisoner in my own body, and just getting through each day was a tremendous challenge. It’s still difficult for me to convey how helpless I felt as I watched the life I had carefully built slowly unravel. My goals and dreams slipped further and further away with each passing day. My life became devoid of any meaning or purpose other than trying to regain my health.
Both before and after receiving a CFS diagnosis, I worked with numerous doctors and specialists who provided little guidance or direction. One doctor and another functional medicine practitioner suggested reactivated EBV. A naturopath diagnosed me with mold, toxins, and all sorts of scary sounding ailments. I was told to take expensive supplements and follow restrictive diets that only reinforced the fact that I was sick and my body was damaged. It felt like the harder I tried to recover, the worse things would get. I desperately wanted to heal and regain my well-being, but I felt so confused, fearful and unsure of how to do that.
I watched numerous CFS recovery interviews and explored different recovery strategies and materials. One day, I saw Rebecca interviewed about her own story. I recognized so much of her experience in mine. Our symptoms were extremely similar, but mostly, I related so much to the way in which she described the emotional reality of living with and trying to recover from CFS. I met with her 1:1, and in only an hour, she gave me more valuable advice and direction than anyone else I had encountered. It made a significant difference for me. Months later, I decided to sign up for her course. Doing so was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Be Your Own Medicine is the most comprehensive and supportive program available for people with MBS. Rebecca shares an extensive amount of knowledge, practices, and tools. Yet, she organizes and presents it in a way that is manageable to navigate and digest. In addition to nervous system regulation and numerous somatic practices, she gets to the heart of understanding the way in which subconscious emotions, thoughts, and beliefs can drive chronic symptoms.
Rebecca’s program is inspired by her own lived experience and recovery. I trusted her because I knew she had experienced what I had. Therefore, I believed that I could recover, too. Her course is infused with the wisdom and guidance that can only come from someone who truly recognizes the kind of desperation and suffering that chronic symptoms can inflict. She understands the ups and downs of the recovery process, and she guides each student through it with expertise, reassurance, love, and compassion.
The Be Your Own Medicine approach is not prescriptive. Instead, it’s flexible and designed to be individualized for each student. I was encouraged to experiment with different practices and find the ones that resonated most. Rebecca empowers students to focus on what feels right rather than forcing something that doesn’t work. As a result, I eventually learned to tap into a mindset of ease and trust in the recovery process. I also found that certain practices were more or less helpful during distinct stages of my recovery, so I appreciated having access to her course for a full year.
The path to healing is different for everyone and there is no “right” way. I really appreciated that in this program, I was encouraged to work at my own pace and to focus on what made me feel safe and supported. Rebecca emphasized that when we feel pressure to do things a certain way, or to do them before we feel ready, it can lead to more fear. Pressure and fear do not support healing. So the key to this course is to connect with your own intuition and authenticity and to let that guide your engagement with the lessons and materials.
Today, I am no longer suffering from chronic symptoms. I feel greater freedom and confidence in my body. I have a framework and skill set for engaging in life in a more balanced way. I once again have access to a state of inner peace, which is a true gift. Further, this course has led me down a path of introspection and self-discovery, which has been deeply insightful and rewarding. I’ve learned to embrace a more holistic view of my health and well-being. In doing so, I now relate to myself with less pressure and criticism, and more self-compassion. I’m so grateful to Rebecca for creating this incredible course, born of her heart and soul, which has helped so many reclaim their lives.”
—Sarah, Boston, USA

What Sets Be Your Own Medicine Apart?
I loved all of it! Brain training helped in some ways but felt like a burden and my difficult feelings were suppressed. With Be Your Own Medicine, we’re taught to accept and love all of ourselves and all of our emotions and feel them. This was new and game changing for me. This was the best course I've ever taken! By far!
- Joelle M, USA
“I started with the Gupta Program then CFS Recovery videos but something was missing. Be Your Own Medicine was the most comprehensive, thematizing how to connect with ALL emotions and be more self-compassionate. It does not exert pressure and emphasizes moving forward at your own pace. I would recommend it 100% to everybody."
- Ute H., Augsburg, Germany
“This is the one! Entirely different planet!!! This is soooo much tailored to the individual, meaning Rebecca really said “what works and soothes you IS what works!” Other programs are “must do this, in this order” which only causes more pressure and stress!!! This was a life changer. Rebecca and the team are angels!”
- Jennifer Bauer, Virginia, USA
“This is the sixth mind-body recovery program that I’ve done. Be Your Own Medicine is the most complete, loving and wonderful program by a mile. The other recovery programs have no clear or tested path. They feel like kindergarten. Be Your Own Medicine feels like University. What wise teachings these are. What a blessing this program is.”
- Julian Nathanson, UK
“I feel totally well, at ease and alive! With traditional brain retraining, relief never lasted long because it didn't make me less afraid of symptoms. BYOM has given me back my life, without hours of rounds and anxious fixating on symptoms. I have recovered and healed beyond what even some therapists and coaches said was possible.”
- Anne B., London, UK
“I’ve taken many other mind-body recovery programs, and none were as comprehensive as BYOM. The emphasis on self compassion was really different, and the loving nature of Rebecca and the coaches. I feel so grateful to have found you, and after a lifetime of neuroplastic symptoms (I’m 66), I’ll finally be able to live a joyful, meaningful life!”
- Madelaine Roig, Sooke, British Columbia
Christophe Sagnet’s Recovery Story with CFS, Long Covid and Fibromyalgia
“This program was a
game-changer for me.”
“For me this course did so much more than simply help with fatigue, it helped me process long held trauma. I am now able to give myself self-compassion in the face of suffering. I have also more than doubled my step count and even taken a part-time job in a supermarket, which is very physical. I have been given the right combination of tools to help me recover. It would have taken me years to figure all of this out on my own.”

Long Covid Recovery
- Lindsay Hull, Saskatchewan, Canada

Student Highlights Video
‘Be your own medicine’ participants SHARE THEIR SUCCESS, insights & dreams!

what to expect?
Radiant Recoveries
“I took my first 5K run in six years!”
“In Be Your Own Medicine, I’ve learnt about mind-body symptoms and am astonished at the difference it’s making! I’m more aware of my emotions and how it impacts my body. I’m more confident in restarting activities that I haven't done for years, including walking and jogging. I took my first 5K run in 6 years. Fibromyalgia stopped me in my tracks but now mind-body healing has given me my life back! I’m back doing things I love that make life worth living. Thanks for helping me gain my life back!”
- Emma Edwards, North Wales, UK
“Your course has been life-changing. ”
“I was fairly housebound with long Covid/POTS symptoms for 12 months before I took your course. Within the first couple weeks, major shifts happened as I learned to listen to my body and feel my emotions rather than push them away. It’s amazing what strong self compassion does to our nervous system! I found the courage to leave an unhealthy marriage and did this with ease and grace. I've even taken my kids away for a 4-day holiday a week after moving, all by myself. I am standing up to fear and trusting because I know I am not actually sick.”
- Nic, Australia
“My levels of anxiety are almost gone.”
“When I signed up for this course, I was in bed with CFS desperately looking for a way out of a dark hole. After two months of the course, I can live a pretty normal life, resuming relationships with family and friends and walking three times more than I was able to three months ago. I went from being in bed to working part-time. I finally KNOW what is happening in my body and mind and the way I can construct new habits to have a healthy, happy life. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this initiative.”
- Héctor Silva, SANTIAGO, CHILE
“I got my life back!”
“Rebecca, there really are no words to describe how much gratitude I have for your work! I took your course last year, and I got my life back. I had severe Long Covid, which kept me bed-bound for years. I was unable to take care of my two young kids and had to leave my job. Now, I am able to look after my children and exercise regularly. I’ve also set up my practice as a clinical psychologist. Your Be Your Own Medicine course was truly wonderful. It gave me the confidence and permission to trust myself in finding the practices I needed to heal myself.”
- Isabelle Straw, Norwich, UK
“Exercise is back in my life!”
“Exercise is back in my life, which is fantastic! I want to shout this from the rooftops! I am hiking in the mountains and rebuilding my strength after many years of no exercise at all. The last time I went on anything I’d call a hike was in 1997! I just hiked Marble Canyon in the Canadian Rockies, and I could sense my euphoria infecting the hikers around me as we climbed up that amazing river canyon. The next day my only symptoms were chomping at the bit for another hike!”
- Marilyn Lemmon, Mt. Shasta, California
“I can do so much more!”
“The greatest thing is the heavy tiredness in my legs is gone and I don't have to rest in bed a couple times a day like before. I can do so much more, like swimming and walking 45 minutes without any problems. The fatigue and many other symptoms are much better or vanished now. I have realised that my PEM heart pains were conditioned during a time of stress and I’ve managed to exercise now without PEM pains in my heart. Big appreciation for the magnificent course! It wouldn't be fair to give a 10 out of 10 because the course is beyond these numbers. It's the best choice of your life.”
- Aleksandar Misic, Gothenburg, Sweden
“This course is revolutionary.”
“It provided help when there were so few resources to aid my Long Covid recovery. My symptoms ranged from extreme headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue, joint pain, exertional tachycardia, chest tightness, shortness of breath, hormonal imbalance and heartburn. The results from receiving this teaching has allowed me to beat the symptom of chronic fatigue and go back to work full-time as a nurse. I wouldn’t have gotten my life back on track without this course. Thank you Rebecca Tolin for your Be Your Own Medicine course and for making an amazing difference to my life!”
- Jane Davies, London, UK
Renate Kirsch's recovery from ME/CFS, anxiety and food intolerances.
"It’s such a shift in freedom!"
"Through the course, I learned to address the CFS symptoms and I lost my fear of them. I stopped crashing, which was one of my biggest achievements. The combination of knowledge and practical tools were really, really good combinations. It made a tremendous change. It was empowering and enabling. Once I trusted that process, I reintroduced walking. I can walk up to three hours now. I’ve been hiking in the Swiss mountains for a week! I started jogging. I can jog 15 minutes in the morning, which is fantastic. It feels great!"

what to expect
Deeper Healing
“I wish I’d been able to do Rebecca's course years ago before I did anything else. I found the genuine love and non-judgmental compassion of Rebecca's course completely unique in this field. I love that it’s a more loving, emotions-led and somatic approach, which was lacking with other programs. I had panic attacks whilst learning another brain training program because of the pressure and dismissal of emotions. I appreciate that Be Your Own Medicine approaches the whole person and the emotional self, not just thoughts and the brain. Genuinely, I loved it!”
- Hayley B., Derbyshire, UK
“I was bed bound at the end of 2022 and housebound until March 2023. I took an hour walk in the woods this morning and still can’t believe where I am now! I don’t have fatigue, post-exertional malaise or headaches anymore. I am so grateful for Be Your Own Medicine and happy that I found it. After having done a brain retrain program before, Be Your Own Medicine was perfect for getting into embodiment and emotional work, which was so important for me, especially mindful self compassion. I can now acknowledge my emotions deeply and profoundly like never before.”
- Ariane, Berlin, Germany
“The knowledge and support from Rebecca’s course has been life-changing and life-saving. The simplicity and gentleness suited my nervous system. I can now offer myself compassion and patience. I’ve stopped painkillers, which I’d been using to numb emotional pain and physical pain. The course has given me support and confidence to feel my feelings and heal after 13 years, which feels like a miracle! I feel empowered, which is the opposite of how I felt for most of my life. Everything I need to heal is already inside me and I am in charge!”
- Joanne Baldaro, Lancashire, Great Britain
“I've discovered the value and importance of attuning to my emotions throughout the day, and how my emotional experience is a reflection of the state of my nervous system. All the new things I've learnt on the course have enhanced the connection of mind, body and spirit. The practices have facilitated an opportunity for re-harmonizing the fractured state my emotions and physical body were in. I've learnt about and practiced acceptance in a very tangible and authentic way. Most importantly for me, I've learnt the power of expressive writing. It's been revelatory for me.”
- Dominic Walker, Devon, UK

what to expect
“An Ocean of Love”
“Being part of Be Your Own Medicine meant being completely immersed in an ocean of love, support, wisdom, and compassion. After each live class I absolutely could not wait until the next week's live class! I've come alive again through the joy of community after being too long in isolation….It's like a giant hug that lasts for months!”
- Lorie Rosseau, Georgia, USA
“There are no words for the love and gratitude I feel for you, Rebecca. You taught me to trust myself, to listen to what my body has been trying to tell me for so long. The love and support that came through our screens right into our hearts—that was healing in itself. There are no words to describe how deeply healing it was to not feel alone but to SHARE this common struggle and know we can be/are well again!!”
- Debi R., Maryland, USA
“The compassion you had for everyone who asked a question, it was like nothing that I’d experienced from anyone else. It felt like you were just giving everyone a hug through the screen. It was amazing—no matter what anyone’s problem was, you always came at it with such compassion. I think that made such a difference.”
- Poppy Wildman, Nottingham, UK

Radiant Recoveries
"I wake up feeling refreshed!”
“Over 33 years of ME/CFS, I was dragging myself around continually exhausted and wanting it all to end. Since the course, I’m off all my medications and rarely feel dizzy even in the heat. My heart palpitations are gone. I wake up feeling refreshed and with energy! My intolerance to heat and cold has gone. Swollen lymph nodes and sore throat are gone. IBS symptoms are almost gone and food intolerances are completely gone! I can eat whatever I want. I have energy to paint and swim and go to the beach and I don’t crash afterwards. I can concentrate on reading. I can plan for the future and know that I’m not restricted because of pain or fatigue.”
- Donna Williams, Adelaide, Australia
“I am forever grateful.”
“I found Rebecca when I was going through weird post-Covid symptoms, like chest pain, exercise intolerance, elevated heart rate, Sjogren's and other distressing symptoms. I was having a terrible time and couldn't even work. Through Rebecca's work, I learned that other symptoms I’ve been struggling with for years, such as Interstitial Cystitis, were mind-body related. By applying Rebecca's teachings, I’ve recovered from my post-Covid symptoms, and have dramatically reduced my other symptoms of IC and dry eye/dry mouth. I am forever grateful to Rebecca for creating such a wonderful, life changing class!”
- Danielle J, Fountain Valley, Usa
“I’m returning to the old me.”
“Becoming aware of what's been causing me to struggle so much these last 12 years has been truly profound and I now treat each day differently than I did beforehand. Being able to notice sensations, track them back to emotions and take the right action like meditation or self-compassion has a huge impact. I'm returning to the old me. My energy is coming back and I’m feeling more positive. All the meditations are a real game changer. The course was conducted in a kind and compassionate way and the in-depth knowledge was brilliant. It's difficult to put into words how much it has helped me.”
- Tim Hardy, Norfolk, UK
“My POTS symptoms are totally gone!”
“I can stand up anytime. I can work for longer now. I couldn’t work for even 10 minutes on the computer. Yesterday I was in a meeting where people were directing me on what to do on a website for four hours. The fatigue is way better as well. I just went on a 3 or 4-mile hike a few days ago and am feeling totally fine!”
- Megan Kennedy, Point roberts, washington, USA
“My world is growing wider!”
“After Rebecca answered my question about interstitial cystitis during the first Q&A, my flare went away within a day and I haven’t had any irritation in my bladder since. Post exertional malaise no longer has a grip on me. The missing puzzle pieces in my healing were found through Be Your Own Medicine. I learned that I am not sick! I learned how to challenge triggers, fight back against fear, and take back my life. Rebecca obviously poured her whole heart, blood, sweat, and tears into creating a course dripping with resources that are extremely supportive. The course is brimming with her love and creativity.”
“My life is much more enjoyable!”
“I am very grateful for Rebecca and the Be Your Own Medicine community! My life had gotten pretty small after living with chronic fatigue syndrome for over 3 years. I was only able to walk for 20 minutes a day. Be Your Own Medicine opened my eyes to how CFS (and other symptoms) can come from suppressed emotions and fear. I take a second to ask myself ‘what am I feeling right now?’ and often the symptoms get much better or flat out disappear. This has helped me expand my life to add more exercises, be more social, and feel more comfortable traveling abroad!”
- Zach Brandt, New YorK, USA
“I am exercising and enjoying food again!”
“I have more energy and am exercising more. I am walking up to two miles now for the first time in almost 20 years! I am going to buy some hiking shoes this summer for the first time in a decade. I am getting better at becoming aware of my challenging doomsday thoughts, which really makes a difference in how I feel. I have less anxiety and worry. I am eating cheese, cream, oatmeal, sugar, potatoes and pasta after years of a grain-free paleo diet! I am enjoying food again and have gained a much needed 10 pounds!! We all agree your course is the best we’ve taken in this area.”
- Monique Sauvé, British Columbia, Canada
“I have more self-compassion!”
“It is amazing to know there’s a way to cure something that plagued me for decades! I had no hope before and now a weight has lifted and I have the tools. The confidence I now have to carry on and soothe myself has caused me to recover quicker from setbacks and laugh at my symptoms! After 40 years of chronic fatigue, I now exercise every day and enjoy it. My ME symptoms are at least 60-percent improved and I’m planning lots of things that I wouldn’t have dared arrange before! Before the course, I had Interstitial Cystitis every few weeks but I haven’t had it at all since then!”
- FIoNA F., Leicestershire, UK
Poppy wildman, nottingham, uk
Poppy Wildman’s Recovery Journey with ME/CFS
“I’m so excited about life again!”
“I did the Gupta program, which didn’t seem to make much difference. Then I found CFS School. It helped but there was still a lot missing…. When I found your way of explaining things, that was the first time I could believe I wasn’t sick. For people who don’t find success with normal brain retraining programs, it’s important to know there are other options. For anyone who feels like nothing is ever going to work for them, there is hope. I clung to that hope desperately and I found that thing that worked for me. I know that everyone can find that thing for them and for so many people, that will be your course. It’s a brilliantly done course.”

what to expect
“Rebecca’s guidance”
“Rebecca, you are a beautiful human being! Your radiant Spirit infuses love into every offering on this journey. Your deep desire for each of us to find our way through and home is so palpable and heartwarming. Your whole team is a beautiful reflection of you. I am deepening my ability to be with ALL parts of myself and whatever is arising.”
- Simone, Lismore, Australia
"My symptoms have been greatly reduced and I have released a lot of the fear surrounding them. I LOVE Rebecca's calm, reassuring voice during the meditations—It was oh so well worth my money just for access to those alone! Through the meditations, I learned how to deeply relax. I thoroughly enjoyed the class and look forward to listening to it again and again over the next year! It is the best!"
- Johanna Harris, Asheville, NC, USA
“Not that we strive for perfection, but I can't imagine a more perfect coach. Such genuine commitment to our healing, such a well researched and varied program. After each live class I felt uplifted and inspired to continue the work. When Rebecca asked “What is present now when you don't have to fix yourself?” the earth shifted.”
- Anne Rendahl, Stockholm, Sweden
“I appreciated Rebecca's kindness, compassion and honesty about her own journey. I felt seen and heard. Rebecca has a gift, her voice is so calming and soothing. She transports me into a relaxed state. The course is wonderful. For the first time I experienced a shift in fatigue when practicing meditations. Nothing else gave such immediate results. Rebecca gave me so much hope and will help thousands.”
- K. D., Croatia
“Rebecca, your energy is awe-inspiring. I could feel your love and compassion through my computer. Your voice is angelic and you're always in my pocket with the guided meditations. I love how much information you’ve provided, the explanatory notes, live sessions—everything was perfection. It was very supportive. I felt seen and held.”
- Nic, Australia
Rebecca's mere presence and voice are so soothing, and every word she speaks is so well chosen that I almost felt like I was in a dream—getting the chance to learn and experience her virtual presence was almost like meeting an angel for me. I have never experienced someone so loving, thoughtful, intuitive, compassionate, intelligent, and authentic and did not realize that was possible. I did not want the course to end!
- Joelle M, USA

“I am so incredibly grateful!”
“I’ve done a lot of programs, including Curable Groups and Gupta, because I’ve known I have a mind-body condition for the past two and a half years. This one has been the most life-changing and it doesn’t stop. I have folders on my computer with all the recordings organized by module. I want to have this forever. What you’re learning is how to be fully human and how to embrace the human condition… It was worth every penny and more! I am so incredibly grateful. This is enduring. It’s long-lasting.”
Kailey Murphy’s Recovery Journey with Insomnia, Chronic Pain, and Post Covid Symptoms

Student Videos
JON HOUSE experiences DEEP HEALING and relief FROM 30 YEARS OF CFS
Angela Lawrence HAS A Spectacular Recovery from Long Covid.
Jane Davies GETS HER life AND CAREER back after DEBILITATING Long covid.
DEE JANZ recovers from shoulder tendonitis and finds self-love.
what to expect
Somatic Meditations
“The audio meditations form the key structure of my recovery roadmap, used every day. The Fatigue guide is a step by step outline on how to approach a very vague symptom. I'm so grateful that now it's within my power to address my nervous system using the course tools.”
- Dee Janz, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
“I loved all the different meditations!! These have been a game changer for me. I have done lots of meditation in the past but yours seem to really hit the spot. They enable me to feel those emotions more than I ever have done and calm my nervous system. I frigging love them!!
- Julia O’Brien, Oxford, UK
“I loved the wealth of truly helpful, life-changing resources. The meditations have really helped me connect better with my body and the present moment. During one of the live meditations early in the course, a stomach ache (which I'd had for weeks) disappeared and has not returned.”
- Annie M., Minneapolis, USA

- Kat H., Birmingham, UK

julia, oxford, uk
Julia’s Recovery Journey with ME/CFS
“I feel like I’m thriving!”
“The course has been a game changer really. I’ve struggled with insomnia for so long. I don’t wake up most nights and if I do, I fall straight back asleep, which is amazing for me. The course has helped me with that. It’s helped me relax and calm down and accept my emotions. Being able to sleep more has given me more energy. I’ve been able to do more. I work full time and now I can do things after work, which I never could do before. I feel better than I have in a long time, probably since I was about 16!”

“I just feel fantastic!”
“A few times I tried to do squats and I was out of action for months. The pain was crazy. Now no problem, I do 100 squats a day! I’m really embracing feeling good. I start the day and say “how good is this! How good do I feel! I’m full of energy. I have lost over 45 pounds from when I first started running about 8 weeks ago. I also have become a lot clearer in my thinking. My business partner noticed this and commented "are you taking smart pills?" My sleep, wow I can now sleep! I would have days and weeks at a time of no sleep. Now I can fall asleep fast and go into a deep sleep. It’s like someone did a grease and oil change in my body.”
- Nick Koutsos, Sydney, Australia
“I’m fully recovered and forever grateful!”
“Rebecca I'm never going to be able to thank you enough!!! I have lived more in the past month than I have in two years, after being diagnosed with ME/CFS as a result of Covid-19. At points, my headaches and fatigue restricted me from talking, listening, or even watching TV. Now, I'm living again and being a mum! Your recovery interview, all the information you share on your website and talking to you have 100% been what has turned things around for me. I’m fully recovered and forever grateful to you!!! Rebecca, you are literally saving lives, as you did mine!! Your compassion, warmth and openness is beautiful.”
- JENNY jarman, sheffield, UK
“It feels great to be productive again.”
“Within 5 or 6 sessions, I was 95% better. Three months ago I could only work two to three hours a day. I’m back at work full-time now. It feels great to be productive again and not just laying around scared and tired. I was also having tremors throughout my body, in my chest and my legs. Now, the tremors are 100% gone. I had a lot of fatigue issues. It was terrible. The doctor said I had Epstein-Barr virus which got me worried. You took me off the ledge from thinking I had to get this virus out of me… so I could go on with my life and heal myself. That really helped with the fatigue. If you think that long Covid will never go away, you’re going to get better if you just do the work!”
- Matt Sibert, Austin, Texas, USA
“This course was unexpectedly heartwarming.
I truly felt loved.”