When we can’t be ourselves as children, we assume we are flawed. As adults, we can create a safe space for our emotions, which brings physical healing too.
Read MoreThe majority of patients in a clinical study were back pain-free after a novel mind-body program, based on the work of John Sarno and Howard Schubiner.
Read MoreWhat to remember when pain flares up, whether it’s in your back, neck, pelvis or head. This prescription helps with fatigue and other mind-body symptoms too!
Read MoreA Seattle woman recovered from long-haul Covid with the mind-body principles that healed me of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Watch our video and read the blog.
Read MoreOrienting is a simple but potent practice to do when you feel scared or scattered. You can “orient” at your desk, standing in line, or anywhere you need calming.
Read MoreAfter six grueling years of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Thomas Day Oates Jr now climbs alpine mountains. We share our recovery stories from CFS/ME.
Read MoreI needed someone to hold a safe, loving space for me to share my innermost world. I needed to know that my symptoms, while severe and real, were not dangerous. I needed to hear that I could recover.
Read MoreInstead of waiting to heal to enjoy life. Enjoy life now and see how you heal. This instills a sense of safety, which is vital to recover from chronic pain, fatigue, headaches and other stress symptoms.
Read MoreBoth worries and physical symptoms distract us from feeling underlying emotions. When you notice your mind catastrophizing, pause and acknowledge it. Now ask, what emotion am I feeling?
Read MoreNot only have we been chasing the wrong carrot, we’ve been obsessing over the carrot — that shiny medicinal thing — instead of the scary monster dangling it.
Read MoreI began to experience the relief of non-resistance. We may not like or even agree with the world, but we accept what comes. Because it’s here, and it causes more pain when we fight.
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